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Nov 26, 2024
2 min read

Some Midnight Ride

Needed this to clear my mind

At least it relaxes my mind. Even only for a very short time

I just got back home after riding my motorcycle. Went out at 11 pm, riding around the capital not aiming to see some attraction.

I just wanted to relax my mind.

There wasn’t any fresh air, as the air here is so polluted, but much less in the midnight like this.

I filled up the tank full, because I didn’t want to refuel in the next few days. I don’t go out that often though.

Rode quite slowly, tried to enjoy the relatively colder night of Jakarta. Saw the street was still a bit crowded. Wondered what were those people do this late. Must be for some work, or if not, just like me. Looked for some thing to distract the mind from whatever unpleasant things pollute it.

Rode just by myself, because why not. It’s midnight though.

Some people looked enjoying their time riding their big bike as well. I saw some Kawasaki, and probably Hayabusha too. They were loud and fast for sure. Wondered how was the feeling riding those beasts, and wondered what if I get myself one of those too. But that would not be a wise spending, even though I could afford it.

Overall it was just quite fun, especially with the cooler air outside after the rain.

But there should be way more fun things to do, but it was not possible though.