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Aug 15, 2024
2 min read

These Melancholy Tracks

Make me so melancholy

I have been wanting to share about it for the last couple of months, but haven’t had any idea how to describe it.

I am talking about specifically 2 tracks or songs that recently always be on my playlist. No lyrics at all on the tracks, just music. And as I have no deep understanding of music theory or practice, I find it very difficult to explain it musically.

All I know is that when I play these tracks, there are some weird feelings.

øneheart x reidenshi - snowfall

diedlonely - stellar\_eu\_3no?si=9Rdnc08GwlClu3j1

Everytime I listen to any of those tracks, I feel like being somewhere I have never been before.

Going through an empty road sometimes, under the rain, surrounded by nature, greens everywhere.

Feeling like somewhere unknown, but at peace.

Kind of scary, due to the loneliness feeling.

I like to listen to these in the middle of the night.