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May 01, 2024
3 min read

Hello May 24

Me talking about May in 2024

Oh hello there, sunshine

Today is May first of 2024, and as I just said earlier that today is a shiny day.

Wait, it has been like 4 months since my last blog post here? Uhm, seems right but not too right as this blog is intended to be a place to share my thought, not just for the sake of online presence outside the social medias.

BTW, this blog has been on some migration from a VPS to another, it took some time to test some things, see the result along with the errors emerged. Now it is on a different panel stack, that hopefully can be more reliable than prior.

May I have a good May, please?

A lot of things happened in the last 4 months or so, have been busy of the work on a daily basis, but at least it’s better than previous year (hopefully).

I visited my hometown in April, before Ied Mubaraq, and it felt amazing. Like having a recharge, as I miss my parents and the whole “crew” there.

Met my old friends too, but didn’t meet many of them that I used to met before. Maybe next month or so when Idul Qurban takes place.

The last few weeks of April was not that busy for me in the office, which is a little bit strange because I expected that we would catched up some momentum after holidays. But so far it is still so manageable.

In this May I plan to at least registering for my passport. It was expired already a few years ago when COVID hit. So I hope that this time I can make it.

I need to see some other “civilization” out there too. Never been abroad since many years ago.

Aside from that I would start to be engaged with some community movement outside of the job. Meet new people, and do some more positive things for the society.

Oh I almost forgot to at least say it here that I would love to bike again as soon as possible. The bike is not going to run by itself, and I need more excercise to lose some weight.

That’s it.