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May 08, 2017
2 min read

600 Posts

my 600th posts on this blog, but lately I deleted a lot of those posts.

This is my 600th post on my blog here. The 600th since my first post in 2011, literally 6 years ago. There has been a lot of things that I have been written so far, and all of them are obviously based on my thoughts, feelings, opinion, stories, etc.

Among all of stuff that I have in my mind, I don’t post all of them here, though here I post the most personal thing about me.

I don’t go to twitter, facebook, or any other socmeds to post them all. It is just because I value my unpopular personal blog more than those popular social medias.

I love to post here, despite its unpopularity. It’s just more peaceful to “speak” my mind here.

Cheers for the 600th post, dear me.